Phylum oomycota pdf download

The oomycete genus phytophthora was historically included on morphological and. Oomycota belongs to the heterokontophyta, but many have a fungallike appearance and live as. The oomycota were once classified as fungi, because of their filamentous growth, and because they feed on decaying matter like fungi. They are filamentous, heterotrophic, and can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Are split into to group those with shells and those without, testate amoebae, which have a shelllike covering, and the naked amoebae, which dont have this covering. The amoeboids and are found in the phylum rhizopoda extensions of the cell membrane and cytoplasm. Pseudopods are used for movement and to capture food. Characteristics habitat although they oomycetes are commonly known for their other name, water molds, not all of them live near. Oomycota phylum is similar to chytridiomycota in that there are unicellular, short hyphal to mycelial members and in the latter mycelium is nonseptate except where reproductive structures occur. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. These two phyla are now known to be distantly related from each other and also from the fungi. The taxonomy and biology of phytophthora and pythium medcrave. Members of this group are saprotrophs, pathogens, or parasites of various.

Scherffel regroups several species of intracellular, unbranched, holocarpic pathogens of freshwater and. Hyphochytriomycota is a small phylumsubphylum consisting of a single order. Funguslike microorganisms of the oomycota accessscience from. The myxomycota or slime molds, are funguslike organisms.

The cell wall of oomycetes, however, is not composed of chitin, as in the fungi, but is made up of a mix of cellulosic compounds and glycan. First, individual members of the oomycota produce motile zoospores asexual spores. The production of globose oogonia in the sexual reproduction has placed them in the phylum oomycota. Other members of the group include species in the genus. The myxomycota are commonly referred to as the plasmodial slime molds and are classified in the amoebozoa. Fungi in a broad sense cont kingdom straminipila chromista.

Download the flyerget adobe acrobat reader pdf icon. Oomycota is a phylum of filamentous protists containing over 500 species. The majority of these organisms are in the groups commonly known as water molds or downy mildew. Despite the name and their superficial appearance, oomycetes are not fungi. Pythium, such as pythium aphanidermatum, cause of cottony blight of turf grasses, and downy mildews. Oomycota or oomycetes form a distinct phylogenetic lineage of funguslike eukaryotic. Oomycota means egg fungi, referring to the oversize oogonia which house the female gametes eggs. Sexual reproduction of an oospore is the result of contact between hyphae of a male antheridia and female oogonia. The nuclei within the filaments are diploid, with two sets of genetic.

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